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Re: I need help with cholestorol by plzchuckle 17 y
DD, our modern lifestyle gives us acidosis which causes die-ease. The way to combat this or reverse it is to life a healthy lifestyle. I’ve written my personal lifestyle up in an article. It got me from liver function so servere that I had no digestion when I started. 1,851 hits
Forum: Liver Flush Support

Can anyone help please by confused100

17 y View Entire Thread 4
HII had a merina coil fitted after my last child was born and had no problems.then i had it replaced started having pelvic infections had the coil checked it was ok was given anti biotics thought that would be it , then suffered heavy discharge thought it was from the antibiotics got treated but i carried on getting heavy discharge with a regular period mixed in, whent back to the doctor where to my embarrasement got checked for stds which came back negative, the discharge is getting worse more than a period and i blame my weight gain to myself but my increase in bra size from a 32 dd ... 2,521 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum Contraception Birth Control

Re: Soy Lecithin by MH 108

17 y
Where dd you ever get the idea it was sweat? Olive Oil is not sweet, Flax seed oil is not sweet, I don’t know of any plant oil that is sweet. I have seen people mix it 50/50 with sorghum and I tried that once and the sorghum instantly dissolves in your mouth and you still have the oil, so that didn’t work for me. I prefer the No Crash Smoothie that makes it so you can take a huge dose with no ill taste what so ever, you have no clue lecithin is in the smoothie and to me, its the only way, but it takes a little time and few to none had any interest, so I stopped making the formula I had to ... 1,169 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

Re: Ficus Glabrata (Fig) by jessesmom1987

17 y
THAT’s why I’ve been confused! :( Because the Ficin I’ve found in American dewormers--for example, Zymex 2 from Standard Process---and another one from American Biologics, Intestinal Freedom--both have Ficin (Fig Enzyme) in them--- from the figs themselves?? or from the sap of the fig tree? It just says Fig Enzyme.I don’t think I would want to try the one from the Rain forest that is the actual sap (latex) of the tree....especially where it has the warning that it can burn delicate membranes if swallowed undiluted...and what are the other ingredients it lists??Dried figs sound go ... 5,256 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives

Re: life after mirena by christlmomof2

17 y
YAY for you! I hope things keep getting better for you. I am very happy for you about you weight! That is a department that I am struggling with. I wonder if I would be happy with my weight if I hadn’t gotten the mirena. After I had my DD I weighed less than I had in YEARS and then I had this evil thing in. So hopefully I can do something about it! I am so happy for you! Please keep us updated! 1,179 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum

Re: Head Lice? by LuellaMay

17 y
Here is information with regard to the ingredients and complications using Nix, an over the counter head lice remedy. Please be aware of the dangers. NixActive Ingredients: Permethrin Representative Names: Nix What is permethrin lotion? (Back to top) PERMETHRIN (Nix ® Creme Rinse) is used to treat head lice infestations. It acts by destroying both the lice and their eggs. Permethrin is also used to treat pubic lice. Generic permethrin lotion is available. What should I tell my health care provider before I take this medicine? (Back to top) ... 5,782 hits
Forum: Lice Hair Health Parasites: Skin

Sorry, gotta call Bull Crap on this one! by Dquixote1217

17 y
First of all, common sense alone should have thrown up a red flag on this one. I found that identical post at the Hinzsight report: and this immediate excellent correction and rebuttal Lmohre said... As a legal editor I’m very familiar with CRS Reports, on whose research the content of your post was based. In fact, I use a number of their reports as practice aids in my own publication (a pension and benefits reference library), and I know they are thorough, accurate and reliable. That said, ... 639 hits
Forum: Politics Debate

Re: ongoing cold??? by Keep Flushin

17 y
I look forward to hearing about your DMSO w/ MMS adventure.In the future, I was thinking of trying to mix MMS up with Ionic minerals and or fulvic minerals and later Angstrom liquid silver.I noticed that MMS does catch up. Or, so I think. :-PIt took two and half weeks before my DD got Diarrhea at 3 drops 2X a day.I am hoping that I am staying under the radar by low dosing MMS. We shall see if it catches up with me. 2,946 hits
Forum: MMS Support

Re: Protruding large veins on hands are disappearing... by Keep Flushin

18 y
I can do B&Ps too. I cleaned out all the junk food in my apartment. If I can get to alkaline diet and loits of fluids I will feel mission accomplished.When my DD comes home she is going to have a hissy when she finds out there is no food in the house. *cough cough*My veins come back up with hot broth in my stomach but I notice something is going on.I read last night that my veins are ”normal” because of aging and little body fat. MMS probably can’t do anything about the way my fat lies close to the surface on my thighs either but I am going to try! lolTonight, I drank the ... 5,547 hits
Forum: MMS Support

Re: Question for MH: Breast Reduction Surgery by #90727

18 y
Hello xZapx,I’m not going to get the breast reduction until the spring time so I will have done the pre cleanse and the OJ fast already but my breast size is an I cup and they weigh like 15lbs each. Im 25 years old and Im 5’10 and Im not overweight now, I lost weight and my breast did not shrink at all. I have been living with them for years, in 7th grade when I was 12 they were a DD cup and I was skinny then. They cause a lot of strain on my back and shoulders and its hard for me to excersise with them so I figured that getting a breast reduction would help improve the situation. 1,102 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

Re: You may be able to avoid Herximer response by Keep Flushin

17 y
Great advice, and I whole heartedly agree but coffee enemas are good for the old married folks. Not going to work for my teenage DD. She has come down with the biggest head cold I have ever heard her have. None stop blowing.I feel guilty (for giving her this cold via MMS).But then again, she has had a stuffed up nose and extra flem for years since we lived in an apartment after it had two flash floods run through it and was introduced to black mold.Hanging in there as long as she will. Fortunetly she has had no nausea, no D, only bad head and chest cold.Whoops rambling, I ... 1,787 hits
Forum: MMS Support

Re: the herpes sore on my lip is gone and teeth by Keep Flushin

17 y
HI Ananda”what is your main health issue AND HOW HAS THIS MMS PROTOCOL HELPED YOU THUS FAR???”My main health issue is that I(45) need more oxygen to stay young. My cells are not getting enough oxygen. But then again I do not want oxygen to be destroying my good cells.MMS Protocal has helped me by not destroying my good cells thus far even at a high drop dosages.Psst... It’s the other way around.I, the body, am helping MMS. (Or, at least we all should be. lol)Our new motto of the support forum should be:What did you do today to help MMS?Once I get my grove on I’l ... 2,112 hits
Forum: MMS Support

Parsley! by rabbitears

18 y
Hello!I had a friend who tried this one! Go out and buy a large bunch of parsley. Make yourself a parsley salad and whatever else that you’d like.When my friend did this she went into labor and had a fairly easy delivery. When she went in for delivery the Attending asked what she did to become dilated. He was one of the few people who knew about the secrets and power of inducing labor with parsley. How about that!Email me please and please let me know how this went for you! Tonight might be your lucky night and congrats!Best of Health to you and your little one!DD 3,227 hits
Forum: Castor Oil Baby Nutrition Help Me

Re: oh my!!! by rabbitears

18 y
Hi.Re:”I have a question about your ”hair parasite”.””My” ’parasite’. I don’t want it, thanks! [j/k]lol! Too late the back out NOW! :)”Would it ”grow” or manifest itself to other parts of the body other than the scalp?”I have reason to believe that it may. In fact, I may have reason to suspect that it could live ’around’ the mucocutaneous layer quite well, surely spreading along afterwards, if that’s factual.This makes sense to me.It looks probably like some kind of dermatophyte to me, but ”it looks” that way. I’m not sure. It grows aggressiv ... 14,771 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives

Re: Eye Problems? Take Another Look by rabbitears

18 y
Hello Twinny!It might be difficult to discern between parasitic worms and a parasitic fungi infection in the eyes unless, of course, you’ve seen/felt worms move. Someone else had mentioned stringy things from the eyes -- this could be fungi or worms or a possible mixed infection. I remember that someone on the Parasite Forum (Sapphire?) drew a picture and what she saw looked like an actual worm. To me, it looked like a definite worm with details. I’m sure, ”floaters” have been ruled out as a cause for your problem.Perhaps when Apxr has some time he could lend his comments as well. ... 9,615 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives

Medical Journalist Report: Value of Colon Hydrotherapy Ve...

RR by rabbitears 18 y
This is a long read but, nonetheless, interesting considering the number of physicians who are endorsing colonics. The majority of them have seen remarkable changes in their patients. This report was published in 2000, it is a shame that the below suggestion hasn’t been taken up by the medical establishment as a viable therapy.“Without reservation, my wish is to see it become an established procedure for many kinds of gastrointestinal problems. If medical centers, hospitals, and clinics installed colon hydrotherapy departments, they would find such departments just as efficacious for p ... 3,581 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives E. Coli Cure Fecal Transplantation F.Y.I.

Re: Rabbitears by rabbitears

18 y
Healing Naturally, Welcome!Very good question and I’m in agreement with you completely.If you go inside the below link that Shroom started, I make a reference in regard to this. The Mold-Survivor has more information on diet that I wasn’t able to post because they’ve copyrighted the info. They list foods NOT to eat as well as foods that you CAN eat. I’d also suggest that you look at the entire thread with the other suggestions that I have posted. I hope this is helpful to you., Cool avatar!Best of Health to You,DD 653 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives

Why Suffer by Lapis

19 y
Why Suffer?: How I Overcame Illness & Pain Naturallyby Dr. Ann Wigmore, DD, ND. An Inspiring Classic. Dr. Ann’s autobiography about growing up with her homeopath Grandmother in Lithuania, healing herself of gangrene as a teenager, and discovering wheatgrass juice and raw living foods as the treatment for her cancer, after the doctors gave up on her. The findings and Wigmore Diet Program of Dr. Ann, used by thousands to reverse dis-ease, detoxify & rejuvenate. Paperback, 182 pages. Available for free via download: 4,797 hits
Blog: In The Raw

aug 2005 by thinkfirst

20 y
There just seems to be lots of opportunities to practice every day.DH has had headache and stomach upset. DD has had headache.A friend, LH who is elderly has problem with really dry eyes so she has to blink and squint alot. I taught her enough that she can tap on her own. Eyes improved while I was helping her. she has spinal stenosis. I’m curious to know if she will keep tapping for general aches and pains, and if this will helpAnd saw G again and he works out so hard that he’s just always in pain and stiff so we focused on his knee, but pain went away everywhere. That was ... 2,249 hits
Blog: Energy Medicine Exploration

by rabbitears

18 y View Entire Thread 3
I want to thank 70428. I’ve been deeply honored that you’ve shared your information with me and this Forum. This is a deeply private matter for you and your family and you didn’t have share, even with me. To be open, honest, and sharing takes a great deal of courage and trust – it is a tremendous!My heart goes out to, 70428. Again, thank you.I want to thank those who have been supportive to 70428, either through posts or by email. I believe that it has made a difference to her in receiving this kind of support.Best of Health,DD 594 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives

Re: USS Furse DDR 882 by kerminator

19 y
You are quite right, that was the original, as built specs.... We took her into FRAM in Jan 1963 @Phillie Shipyard.... There are a couple of pics. on Images Gallery under blogs, kerminator, look and will be glad to send these plus a couple of more I have to the site you listed on the reply... Yes I spent many a day and night steaming on the Furse... Once out of FRAM, she was just a DD.... They removed the Azimuth Radar... Up graded the sonar, and radars... Removed one of the 5 inch mounts, and put in a helo deck, w. Chopper... ... 3,498 hits
Blog: My Unusual Road of Life....

Re: Have low Leukocyte Antibody detection(LAD)-need inter... by rabbitears

18 y
Hello 62949!Welcome to the Forum. Thank you for your post.I don’t know how Omega 3 would affect LAD levels, if at all. I’m wondering, though, why the isolation of Omega 3 and not the other two Omegas.You had mentioned diet and supplements. What are you doing now for your diet and supplementation?Although you had blood work done there might be other factors contributing. You may want to rule out all possibilities for a successful pregnancy. There are a couple of posts on this forum on pregnancy that you may find of interests to you.As far as your tests, Apxr might be abl ... 8,585 hits
Forum: Ask Microbe Detectives

Re: Breast hyperplasia in menopause? by just_peachy

22 y
My mom went through that. She was always small built but amply endowed (DD cup.) When she kept growing and Growing and GROWING she started getting incredible backaches from the weight. She probably only gained a couple of cup sizes before stopping, but on her little 5’2” frame it looked like she was trying to rival Dolly! Wish I knew something to help, but she opted for reduction surgery. Just curious, are you on HRT? (Mom was.) 1,182 hits
Forum: Menopause

Re: A COSMIC EARTHQUAKE OF 9.0 IS COMING--Are You Prepare... by #19236

20 y
DR REVTI RAMAN KAPURVedic Astrologer,Numerologist,Vaastu & Fengshui Advisor,Reiki Grand MasterHomeopathic PhysicianFor Asrological Consultations in all matters and Difficulties eg.CarrerBusinessFinancial ProblemsMarrriage Delays and discordsFamily disputesProperty disputesBlack Magic ill effectsChronic Health ProblemsRemedial Measures- Various astrological remediies will be suggested to overcome problems and difficulties eg. Gem Stones,Lockets,Amulets,Yantras,Mantras and Remedial Measures from Lal Kitab.CONTACt BY E-MAILastroraman_dr@yahoo.comPl ... 1,892 hits
Forum: Astrology

Scary question - Push comes to shove, I would probably gi... by deepdish

20 y
Scary question - Push comes to shove, I would probably give in.I doubt they will shot you, but if you don’t get the shot, they might break up your family and put you in some coriteen camp ”for your own protection”With past hurricanes, the government has said that bringing in the military was a good idea for handling the emergencies. So, if there is a bird flu outbreak emergency, it looks like the military will probably be used.Right now our children attend school without vaccinations. But if the bird flu emergency became a big deal, I can see the schools refusing entry to our c ... 2,973 hits 1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Barefoot

I agree less is better, but I do want to cover my bases. by deepdish

20 y
I agree less is better.But I want to cover my bases too.Part of me believes I need a small simple mineral source, a small simple protein source and a small simple oil source just to make sure I have my bases cover incase my diet misses something.So I take your liqued concentrated minerals, two shot glasses of raw keifer, and I tablespoon of Udo’s Oil in addition to vastly improving my diet. Not to mention incorporating many other things I have learned from you.Thank you MH, my skin is improving.DD 2,158 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

We thought about selling MHs stuff online by deepdish

20 y
We thought about sellind MH’s products online too.We have to the skills to make it work.But one of the side things we are trying to incorporate into our lives that we picked up while learning from MH is to not only simplify our diets, but to simplify our lives.We are in the process of learning how to make our LBB as a first baby step incase MH ever gets shut down. We plan on continueing to get MH’s LBB, but we want to be prepared too.DD 2,129 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

MH - and by deepdish

20 y View Entire Thread 16
I am assuming that the people who started and are not connected with MH.Rather, they found MH motivating and informative and inspiring. I am assuming that the people who run and are buying in bulk directly from MH and then turning around and reselling it to the general public.Am I wrong with my assumptions?Or is just forwarding the orders to MH?Why I ask? MH, do you prefer people now order their herbs from or can we still e-mail/phone you directly with orders? Are the prices the same f ... 2,387 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

With all due respect, MH, please have a plan for when you... by deepdish

20 y
MH,I mean no disrespect.Someday you will pass away as will us all.Please, you have a wealth of knowledge. Please have a plan to pass all of your books, tapes, videos, knowledge along to your children or others you trust and respect.You are looking for diamonds in the ruff from others who have passed. Maybe if they had a plan and kept it organized, it would be easier for others to spot those diamonds quicker.I would hate to have some of your ”diamonds” thrown away because it wasn’t filed away properly.I hope I can learn from you (and someday your sons) for a long tim ... 1,382 hits 2 of 2 (100%)
Forum: Ask Barefoot

MH - Quick OJ Fast Questions by deepdish

20 y View Entire Thread 2
While doing the OJ fast, can we continute taking the following:DeWormerLBBHerbal Concentrated MineralsHerbal Calcium BalanceAlso, while doing the OJ fast, because of my dry skin and psoriasis, can I take some straigh olive oil to help my dry skin? If so, do you think 1/4 cup a night is too much olive oil. I remember one time you reccomending I take a little bit of straigh olive oil at night to help my skin.I know I should probably already know the answer to the first question from your first book, but if it is ok, maybe you could answer my question away.Thank you very ... 1,718 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

MH - Two quick product questions by deepdish

20 y View Entire Thread 6
The tooth and gum powder, what is the best way to use it. We just got it Monday from you. So far our girls have been getting their toothbrush wet, dipping them in the bottle, then brushing their teeth. The spit and then rinse out their mouths. I told them to swallow their rinse water instead of spitting it out. Any other advice?The next product is the liqued concentraded minerals. It is very think. We are giving our girls one teaspoon a day. Does seem about right?Thank you,DD 1,472 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

MH - Can I ask for a recipe for your toothpaste by deepdish

20 y View Entire Thread 4
We have the following from you:Herbal Tooth & Gum Restore Powder (1 pound)Herbal Concentrated Minerals (syrup)Herbal Calcium Balance Powder (1 pound)How can we combine these to make a good recipe for toothpaste for our 6 & 8 year daughters?Maybe 1 tablespoon of each mixed together. Maybe 1 tablespoon of the T&G, 1 tablespoon of the concentratd minerals, and 1/2 tablespoon of the calcium balance.I don’t want to give them too much of the calcium balance powder. But I do want to make sure they get enough of the concentraded minerals.Maybe each girl should get an extra te ... 1,514 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

MH - We would be interested in this by deepdish

20 y
MH-” I am working on one I call Mind-On-Track that has it all”MH,We currently have your liquid concentrated minerials. We give our 6 & 8 year old girls 1 teaspoon per day. Plus we have your powder Herbal Calcium Balance. We give the girls about 1/2 a tablespoon each per day.We hope we are giving them the right amounts.But if your new ”mind on track” has everything in it including concentrated minerals, calcium balance, plus other herbs good for children, then we would be interested in this new product instead of the other two. Maybe you can add some of the things from growi ... 1,128 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

I like it and I can feel it working by deepdish

20 y
I started taking LBBs at at rate of 3 a day, one with each meal.I felt it start moving stuff.Then I got use to them.Not I am taking 8 a day (2 x 4 times a day)Again, I noticed the increase, but now I am use to them again. I started with 8 a day to get my body ready for the liver cleanses and my upcoming OJ fast.I reccomend LBB. I need to learn how to make my own. But that is a project I don’t want to tackle anytime within the next year.DD 1,437 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

sorry to disagree with fellow posters, but the web is jus... by deepdish

20 y
Sorry to disagree with everybody else, but the internet is just a tool. Neither good nor bad.The internet has improved my life. I stay in touch with friends and family. Pay bills online. Learn from curezone and other great sites. Look up recipes. Listen to far away radio stations or radio shows that normally only play at night ( Helps me look up work projects from home. Get my digital photos printed. Download audiobooks.There are 1000s of great reasons to be on the net. It is how you use it that makes it good or bad.Just my 2 cents.DD (a guy) 1,571 hits 1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Ask Barefoot

MH - Seasonal Allergies - Air Restore Plus by deepdish

20 y View Entire Thread 4
MH,We need your advice.Our two daughters seem to have seasonal allergies. We have tried alternative cures, but they don’t seem to work. My girls get so plugged up they get headaches and can’t breathe at all through their noses.The only thing that seems to work is Zyrtec.My wife has seasonal allergies too. She says it is the pollen.We got your Air Restore Plus hoping it would help. They tried 3 drops under the tongue. But maybe they need more than that?Any other advice we should consider investigating?We understand that clean blood is the only cure. But with kids ... 1,364 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

Boldyloxx by deepdish

20 y
Boldyloxx,I was worried how you would accept what I wrote about KT.You have given me advice in the past and also mentioned his book while doing so.I meant no offence to you personally.But I do not trust KT. He is highjacking common knowledge, selling an overpriced product that is mostly fluff, using people’s fear to do so, then charging more for what was ”suppose” to be in the book in the first place.The only thing he wants is your money. The same way he as pitched other worthless products in the past. He use to pitch corral calcium too.Boldyloxx, I respect you. But ... 1,324 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

Trapper - Thank you by deepdish

20 y
Trapper, thank you. You believe what you believe. I am not sure what I believe. I find that somethings I use to believe 10 years is different than what I believed 20 years ago and differnet from what I believe now. Sometimes what I believe has gone full circle and ended up where it started but took a strange path to get there.I do respect your post. I am not sure what path I am on or where it is leading me. I do feel comfortable with the belief that I choose to be here and that I am have untapped wisdom and that I have been here before.DD 3,815 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

Re: Ordered Directly from Mrs. MH tonight :) by DeepDish

20 y
I would feel like I am invading his ”private space”He does this as a hobby and volunteers his time to help people through his postings.If he gets too commercial, the gov might come after him.But then again, MH has volenteered in giving out his private number and that way seems to be the only way to get herbs and tonics from hiim for now.Incase you haven’t caught the hint, I think MH likes it when you send him a picture of yourself. Put a face to the name and he said something about it being easier to remember a face instead of a name. I hope he feels pride in all the people ... 952 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

40 days is the ultimate goal, but it will probably be sho... by DeepDish

20 y
I did a 11 day fast MC fast last year. It went fine.In reading your 108 page book and your first schooling book, is says 3 days, then if you can go longer, then if you can go longer, all the up to 40 days.So to start, I will go for 3 days and probably a little more. Hopefully atleast a week. I want to shoot for two weeks. If I feel up for it, I will go longer.I have done two liver flushes in the past month. I have been doing the LBBs, parasite and kidney stuff the past month. I am doing another liver flush this weekend. I am prepairing myself for the OJ fast. Plan to do it in a ... 1,117 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

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Search Results: оÐаха бич как добраться: page: 6 (2025)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.